Sunday, March 1, 2015

Farewell February

March is here and I welcome her with open arms.  Spring, sunshine, warm air, outdoors-- my heart longs for all of it.  My sanity demands it.

February was brutally cold.  Sunshine was scarce and outdoors in negative wind chills wasn't a viable option.  We battled illness all month, wicked sounding coughs and noses that ran like faucets.  A trip to the doctor revealed a nasty case of bronchitis for Moise.  I'm thankful for medicine, for steroids and antibiotics that kept him out of the hospital.

I had to stretch my imagination this month to come up with ways to occupy little boys during long days indoors.  

We had a lot of table time, playing and learning.

Moise's new wheelchair tray makes helping out in the kitchen much easier.  Everything can be at just the right level for him.  He usually spends his afternoon hours in the kitchen with mom.  

We work relentlessly on Kruz's fine motor skills.  It's a long, slow process but we're seeing subtle signs of growth and development.  I'm learning a great deal of patience with this one.

His walking is coming, slow but sure.  Another lesson in patience.  

This one loves his books.  And I love that he loves them. We keep a stack of them in easy reach for him so he can get them whenever he wants.

I know that somewhere in that little mind of his, he's soaking up all that great information.  One day he's going to show us all that even though his progress is slow, he's never stopped learning.

We did have a few days when the winds weren't quite so biting and the ice was great for skating.  We took advantage of the fresh air when we could.

And this?  This just melts this mama's heart.  Moise and his wheelchair are helping Kruz learn to walk.  He walks better behind the wheelchair than behind any of his push toys.  We're anxiously waiting on a walker for him but in the meantime this works great.

Yesterday the boys and Danielle and I made a trip to Saint Louis to spend some time with the girls.  It was a quick trip, too quick but I'm grateful for even a little bit of time with them. 

As much as I hated to say good bye to them, I was ever so grateful to arrive home.  Driving conditions were less than desirable with a fresh round of snow falling.

And today, on this first day of March, we woke up to this.

There's something magical about winter and snowfall.  I won't complain about it but neither will I be sad to see it go.  That's the beauty of seasons.

Happy March

God is good, all the time.